Wayne On The Road Logo

Sponsors and Sponsorships

Interested in Sponsoring My Youtube Channel/Blog?

I’m open to companies interested in a unique sponsorship/advertising opportunity that I think would be an asset to the right company. I feel there’s a good marketing opportunity here starting with the potential to have your logo/brand/slogan pasted on a vehicle that is traveling around North America. I’ve been adventuring all over North American since early 2016. Driving a 2006 Chevy Silverado and living out of a 5th Wheel Travel Trailer as I zig zag North to South. Through Canada and The United States. I take my time photographing as much as I can find and see, both within cities and rural areas, National Parks, attractions and even some events as they happen within my direction and schedule. I currently have no plans to stop, so the potential for your brand to be seen by many eyes is huge.

But that’s not all!

In support of the traveling vehicle I also have this travel blog which I write and post photos to regularly as well as video entries (also posted to You Tube). There is also room on this blog and within the videos for your brand and advertising depending on what we negotiate. The videos can be brought to the public by YOU? In addition to promoting my travel posts through the standard social networking avenues I also have an online portfolio/store that has some additional space for potential advertising depending on the product or service.

One other small thing I do to promote my blog and my journey is that I leave business cards in various places I visit or stop. People have contacted me from all over because they have found a card and are curious. Ideas are endless and I’m sure an excitable marketing team may have even more ideas which I’m also open to.

I’m just looking to rent out some advertising space, pad my travel budget and promote a good company while I live a dream traveling and photographing this continent.

People That Have Supported me in one way or another.

  • Alec & Jes Von Henke
  • Iain Godsman & Joanne Downey
  • Lisa Brown
  • Nancy Morrison
  • Bradley Pedwell
  • Brandi & Scott Watkins
  • Selena Murillo
  • Randy & Qwen Mercer
  • Tracy Mercer
  • George & Gloria Mercer
  • Richard Olejnik
  • Roy & Linda Root
  • Jamie Rogers
  • Tammy Solecki
  • Teresa Vancise
  • Cheryl Broadhead from Bob’s Your Uncle Design
  • Hayley Sinclair
  • Jamie and Lisa Legg
  • Olivia Craver
  • Madeleine Morrison
  • Rob Kurtzrieter
  • 3PD: an XPOLogistics Company
  • Kevin Bosch a.k.a Hot Carl

I’m sure I’m forgetting people. If I missed you be sure to call me out next time I see you! 😉

Thank YOU All!