30 Day Countdown is On! – New Youtube Channel and Trailer Updates

Well here go. This morning I gave my official written 30 days notice at the day job. What would have been 5 years come November has come down to a month before I break loose, debt free, money saved, old vintage trailer to call home and new camera gear at the ready. It’s been a long journey to get to this point and it’s not over yet. So much to do and take care of before I leave.

My weekends for the past 6-8 weeks have all been filled with trailer fixes and renovations, as well as many short stints after work before losing the last slivers of daylight. Now that we’ve “sprung ahead” I can continue to get things done. The renovations are close to being done and next week I take it in for some wiring work, and get the bearings, brakes, propane and appliances checked and serviced from knowledgeable professionals. Then I can purchase the solar kit and install it, along with any small fine tuning that I want to do, clean it up and move my belongs into it, ready for the road.

I should have started right from the very beginning but I didn’t record any video until people started asking me how it was coming with the trailer and preparations. So the last month of so I’ve been making the effort to start my video blogging which was to really start with the trip. So the first few videos may be a little dry for those who aren’t into vintage trailer fixins but they will get way more interesting soon. I guess it’s all part of the journey, along with the last four and a half years of tasks that all needed to be dealt with along the way. Those I’ll be sure to touch on later as we get going too. So for now, the WOTR Youtube channel can be found here.

So as I impatiently watch the next 30 days, 12 minutes and 24 seconds tick away until I am on to the next chapter of my life, as I anxiously lay awake at night wondering what I’m forgetting to do or prepare for, you can all watch the progress on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and here. So much coming this summer. I can’t wait to share it all with you.


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