A great yet chill weekend and new chapter.

After leaving Youbou and Lake Cowichan on Friday I made my way to Goldstream Provincial Park for the weekend. My good friend LaDonna met me there. Saturday was a dreary rainy day but we got out and about on Sunday. Visiting the west coast oceans again. We found the Shering Point Lighthouse, visited French Beach, wandered through Jordan River, and had a brief stop in the Sooke Potholes Regionl Park before heading back to our campsite.

With no wi-if in the campground it was a nice forced break from “work”. That all changes now though. I’m in Victoria tonight. Tried to catch the 4PM ferry to Port Angeles, Washington but it was full just before me. The gent that lines the cars up has allowed me to stay in line overnight in the loading yard, I should be on the morning ferry. Got out and wandered like a tourist a little bit but the dreary weather and late hour didn’t leave me much for photos. Perhaps next time.

From there I’m heading into Washington and going to explore some of their coastline. I think I may save the Oregon and Califonia coasts for my way back and work my way down into the desert exploring some places I have bookmarked but never visited before, and maybe a few I have. My pace will most likely depend a lot on the weather.

With much of the friends and family visits complete for awhile, it’s now time to really find a routine and flow that works for the travel, the editing, the videos etc. There’s a few small things I need to get around to fixing in the trailer as well. So lots to do, lots to see and lots more coming. I’m looking forward to it all.

So hello and goodbye from rainy Victoria and a farewell to Vancouver Island for now. Time to move on.

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