Catching Up. The restart of journaling.

Okay. I’ve been told by a few people they actually like reading the semi day to day updates that I posted on my previous road trips. So with that in mind I figure I’ll start to document where I’m at/heading to as best I can from now on. The other benefit of this is that I’ll be able to document where I’ve been which, albeit was on my list of daily tasks has not been done so far. So this will take care of two birds so to speak.

This brings me to the next question. Where HAVE I been over the past 5 months and 13 days? I guess this next bit is a brief rundown for those who haven’t been paying attention. Those who have been following along can skip this next part. 😉

I left Calgary on the 15th of April. Literally met my good friend Brian for dinner and once that was over and the sun was setting I started out on this crazy adventure. I spent the rest of April and much of May exploring the backroads of Alberta. Writing on Stone Provincial Park, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Lethbridge, Brooks, Medicine Hat, Stettler and many abandoned homesteads and farms in between. Finally into Jasper National Park and crossing into BC, my home province.

From there I experienced some amazing free camping on Lake Lasalle and Blue Lake, stops in McBride, Prince George, Quesnel, Williams Lake and down the Fraser Canyon in to Chilliwack (where I grew up) and into Vancouver where I caught up with friends and family. After that I caught the ferry over to Vancouver Island, with a great side step to Salt Spring Island for a couple of weeks (and even had a paid photography gig while I was there). Then I explored the West Coast of Vancouver Island, Ucluelet, Tofino, Kennedy Lake, it was all gorgeous and all the ocean time was exactly what I needed. With some time near campbell River at my Aunt and Uncle’s amazing spot on the shore of the ocean, taking a side excursion with just the truck up to San Josef Bay on the Northwest tip of the island with stops in Port Hardy, Port McNeil, Telegraph Cove and Sayward on the way back. That lead me to here, where I sit writing from a nice like spot at my new friends, Arlene and Daryl’s place on the shore of Lake Cowichan.

Writing people’s names has also made me realize how incredibly blessed I’ve been on this trip so far. So many of my friends and family have offered up space to park my trailer while I go out and explore. This helps me save money and adds more time to my road trip. So for the record these are all the people I need to thank for their hospitality and generosity so far. Also a big thanks to anyone who offered that I just didn’t get to see.

Kelly & Melissa, LaDonna & Kevin, Jamie & Lisa, Grams & Grandpa Mercer, Alec & Jes, Mitch, Dave & Tina & Jeff, Ross & Josie for the boat rides, Dave & Cheryl, Uncle Randy & Aunt Gwen, Arlene & Daryl. You’ve all been amazing hosts and I appreciate everything beyond words.

Now onto the loose future plans. Tomorrow I’m heading into Port Renfrew to explore for the day. Then by Friday afternoon I’ll be hanging close to Victoria with my friend LaDonna for my last weekend on the island. October 3 or 4th I’ll be catching the ferry to Port Angeles Washington for some time south of the border. My initial plan was to wander down the coast but I’m thinking people may be getting tired of all the ocean stops so I going to check out some of Washington’s coast but then work my way inland and down into the desert for winter. Saving the California and Oregon coasts for my spring return back to Canada. I’ll be needing a refill on “Ocean Time” by then too so it’ll work better that way.

Lastly, If you like what I’m doing here and want me to keep going, please subscribe to the Youtube Channel, give your favorite videos, photos and posts a like, help me get my stuff in front of as many people as possible because I have to start selling some prints, landing some paying photo gigs etc or this will be over come spring and I really want to keep going and showing everyone so many more cool spots around this beautiful rock we all live on.

So thank you all, watch here for more written posts coming almost daily and I hope to see you all in my travels.
Much love,