Day 109 – The Coldest Day of the Trip…

….so far. Last night was minus 21 in Dauphin but I had no problems keeping warm in the truck and having a good night sleep. It was a little chilly when I woke up but such is life. I got on the road and started North, then zig-zagged my way westward. The wind was blowing and at times it was snowing again. I found out in the afternoon that it was minus 19 but when you add the windchill it feels like minus 31 celsius.

I found a few good shots today. What I faced was a lot of deep snow. Many times I was literally up to my crotch in snow. I got a good workout and had enough struggling to remind me that next time I get some snowshoes. Hiking around old homesteads and yards definitely put me in my place today. I found an old house, overgrown with trees and still in pretty good shape on the outside. I climbed through a window as I had to get a shot of the 1973 calendar that was still hanging on the wall. The doors were all blocked due to some furry creature who had moved some dirt inside through one of the many holes in the floorboards. What I found somewhat sad is that on the calendar, circled in pencil on the 16th of November 1973 were the words, “Leave for the Hospital”. It was a weird feeling and another reminder, that life is too short. To think that perhaps the last time someone lived in that house, was when I was 5 years old.

I drove and shot some more, made my way into Saskatchewan and as I watched the sun going down tried to find something cool to place in front of it. Barreling down snow drift covered gravel farmroads I finally found a worthy subject, an old barn with a saddle shaped sunken roof that had seen better days. I stepped into the field and whomp, I was again crotch deep in snow. I clammered across and got a few shots. That was it for the day.

Upon arriving in Yorkton I grabbed a bite to eat and now am looking for a suitable parking spot to cozy up. I hear it’s supposed to start off cold again tomorrow, I’m ready.

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