Day 112 – If Every Day Was This Good

So the last few days have all started off a little gloomy. Grey, some snow, perhaps a bit drab. But as I get going things start to lift. I’ve been traveling some distance each day mainly because the shots and the weather seem to be co-inspiring and coming together for the afternoons. So much so that when the sun is going down I’m still seeing stuff to shoot.

As I crossed into Alberta today and slipped into Cold Lake for a coffee I hadn’t taken a single shot and it was well, grey and flat. As I started heading South (still using my coin flip navigation) I was soon stopped and out of the truck. For most of the afternoon I’m guessing I traveled 10 miles between the 3 photo stops I made. One abandoned homestead I was at for at least 2 hours as it had so much to shoot. Red barns, shacks, machinery, and old Kenworth, old cars, icicles, and all covered in a nice coating of fresh snow.

After that there was a couple shorter stops and then the sun set and was gone. I drove a little in the dusk and came into Vermillion where I’ll be for the night. If every day was this good, I’d be a very happy man.