Day 119 – An Afternoon in Fort Steele BC.

Again my day started off grey, cloudy with some snow and rain but as I got further Southwest the cloud started to break up. I stopped at Historic Fort Steele and spent a few hours amongst the old buildings, old wagon wheels and the horses, burros, sheep and donkeys.

I pretty much stayed on the number 3 highway as there’s still a lot of space between me and home and I’ve decided that I’d like to get into town for Saturday. The more I hear about the Olympics the more I’d like to be there. I should have know myself a little better when I left, that I would in fact want to be part of such a big event, regardless of my views of the organizing committee and the city officials. It’s about the athletes and the energy, lately I love myself a good energy!

So with a night in Chilliwack to catch up with my grandparents I’m hoping to be home soon. I’ll tell you one thing though, the sun on your face feels different at home. Here’s to another great day.

I’m in Creston at the library (where apparently no one was taught it’s supposed to be a quiet place, not even the old ladies).

I will get a good sleep tonight and then the last stretch. Wow.

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