Day 122 – The Last Day. Home in Vancouver

So the short familiar drive from Chilliwack into Vancouver in the sun with the window down was a nice way to end this awesome trip I’ve been on. I feel a little weird, like it was all a dream. I woke up in my grandparent’s house today and it was like I never even left. I’m sure it will all sink in over time but all in all I think the alone time on the road, in the fields, in the abandoned houses and the nights alone in my quiet isolation have brought a new lease on life. I have a lot to say and will be working on making my mark in the world through the next few years. While doing it with a better and more positive attitude.

Something else I learned while on this trip is that although it was mostly me out there, I would not have been able to do it without the support of my friends, family and the random strangers that stepped up and offered words of encouragement, gas money donations and moral support. This truly was a trip for everyone as they were along there with me.

So until I take on a new adventure (which I will) this blog will obviously slow down but I will not close it. Even if I only venture out on a weekend trip I will post my travels here.

Until then, I think everyone should get out there and see something they haven’t seen before. I did.

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