Wayne On The Road Logo

Day 14 – Two Weeks and Counting

It doesn’t feel like I’ve been away from home for two weeks already. This feels good.

As I left my spot just East of Nipigon Ontario this morning the skies were gray again with sprinklings of snow here and there. The radio said it was supposed to be clear and sunny. Not from what I could tell so far.

I drove for quite some time, not really seeing much that inspired me to stop and take any shots. No old cars. No scenery. Just trees and the odd view of Lake Superior from the road. I went through a patch where the snow was coming down hard, but only for about a mile. Then it was clear as crystal, like someone had suddenly changed the channel.

The road descended and I could see a beach – a glorious shimmering sunny beach – with waves. I pulled into what is called “Old Woman Bay” and took a few photos. The sun was dropping down in the sky but I still had lots of time. It was the refreshing break that I needed, even if it was cold on the hands.

Upon leaving the beach I kept going but didn’t get far before I encountered another area that beckoned. I parked and started to explore Katherine Cove. Another beach but with more rocks, it was as different as it was the same to Old Woman Bay. As I started to round the tip of the rocks I noticed that there were many large flat rocks that the waves smashed against.

The sun began to set, turning orange and red, and I started to take a few shots. Then I stood up to put my gloves on and realized they’d fallen out of my pocket. I saw one right away but proceeded to backtrack for the other. Being as it was getting dark I needed to look for them instead of shooting.

Retracing my steps the best I could (not an easy feat as I’m quite spastic while excited about potential shots), I walked back almost to the truck then turned to head back to where I’d purposely left my tripod on the rocks. As I approached the tripod I saw the glove in a crevice, dry and safe.

As I thought maybe this would have blown my chances for some good shots I started playing with the slow exposure settings and got some shots of the rocks, with a smooth blur of the water caressing them in the sun’s final minutes.

Today’s gift was a large one. I am happy.

I drove into the blackness, making my way to Sault St. Marie so that I could update the website. I watched as my gas needle dropped past a quarter of a tank. Then the light came on. Soon I was panicking as I’d seen NOTHING for miles. I laughed nervously at how the universe can give you such gifts one minute and then dangle a long cold walk in front of you like a sick joke. I thought what a prankster she can be as I pulled into a gas station on fumes.

Life is still good. I am still happy. Even a long cold walk would have been worth the shots I got today.

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