Day 25 – Resting in the Capital

I’m here in Ottawa, just got in and decided to bite the financial bullet and get a room. I looked for something cheaper until I simply ran out of energy and settled for a mid level Value Inn with internet to work on this site.

I’ve been zig-zagging all around the area between Carleton Place and here today. I found old barns, a cool little spot by the Packeham Bridge along the Mississippi River (yes we have one too). Upon coming into Ottawa I found an old car body shop with three old cars out front and took some night shots of them with the modern day traffic going by.

The last two days have produced some great shots. The weather since Toronto has been awesome for the most part. The temperature is starting to drop again but I’m ready. It’s funny, I actually look forward to getting out of the cities and onto the back roads, not sure why but rush hour traffic ANYWHERE simply sucks. Drivers, fast food joints, everyone gearing up for Christmas, all the same in each city. I simply don’t have the money to chill and find the cool vibes in each city as they get expensive, so the open road is more appealing. Walmart parking lots have become my friends at night. I’m gearing up for the next few days in the truck. I may bypass Montreal this time and hit it on the way back, we’ll see. I tend to break my own plans on this trip, because I can.

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