Day 3 – Flat Tires and Emeralds.

I left “Noisy Creek” this morning and made my way down the mountain on the Forestry Service road heading towards Revelstoke. About an hour into my back-road trek I got a flat tire. No biggie, I have a full size spare. This minor setback only put a bit of a damper on anymore back country driving as I can’t get stranded with another flat and no spare. The weather was overcast and grey, I made my way to Revelstoke to see if there was any open tire shops, none. I’ll be in Calgary tomorrow to get it fixed then figure out where to next.

On my way I pulled over to check out a small “Rock Garden Trail” on the side of the Number 1 Highway. A short but pleasant little break and got some shots of the moss covered rocks despite the weather.

I made another stop at Emerald Lake just before Field BC. What an awesome lake. I have to come back here when the weather is nicer and the sky blue. I took a few shots anyway but do plan to return.