Day 31 – Simply Awesome!

Like everything in life I’m now convinced that photography and the pursuit of those moments where timing, light, weather and seasonal closures have also an ebb and flow. Everything seems to work it’s self out over time.

Sure my extended stretch to Mingan proved almost pointless but my decision two days ago to stick it out and travel around the Gaspe Peninsula proved to be well worth the effort. The weather wasn’t great starting out but by the time I got to Perce to witness with my own eyes the gorgeous majestic piece of earth towering above the sea, this whole trip became worth every mile and every cent.

I will post some photos as soon as I can. I’ve been having a hard time finding a place to sit and edit photos in these small seaside towns as most are rolled up by 6pm.

What I have noticed that is becoming very soothing in a nostalgic sort of way is the smell of burning wood from fireplaces. This reminds me of my younger days when we’d spend some holidays at my grandparent’s place. It is a very common smell through these parts and somehow very festive, to me anyway.

I’m currently in Chandler Quebec, looking to possibly be in New Brunswick by this time tomorrow.