Day 32 – New Brunswick, Cops and Sunsets

I started out from Paspebiac Quebec this morning. A little late too I might add, just needed some extra sleep. It didn’t seem to matter much as I didn’t see anything for the first few hours as far as photos I wanted to shoot, let alone ones that would be better in the morning light. I followed along the shoreline of the St. Lawrence until I crossed over into Campbellton, New Brunswick.

Literally within minutes I saw a RCMP car, then soon another. Then I noticed how well people were driving, calm, courteous, mellow. In all my time in Quebec I saw a total of two police cars. This I’m thinking explains the fact that half of the Quebec drivers drive like raging idiots. I thought Ontarians tailgated, well in Quebec, if you’re not doing 30 kilometers over the limit expect a Frenchman up your ass (sorry grandma). In total I saw nine cops in my first half day here and was tailgated once… by a car with Quebec plates.

I drove through Dalhousie, gassing up at an Esso and met Danny and Donna, both were very cool and Danny let me leave some cards by the counter. Danny if you’re reading this, Thanks a million and for the chat as well.

I drove along the shoreline of the St. Lawrence again for awhile, getting some shots in around Benjamin River, Black Point and then a very awesome yet bizarre sunset. I wasn’t facing the sun but as it went down it cast this light pink/baby blue hue to the river. At one point you couldn’t even see a horizon line where the sky met the water as it was all one.

Where to next? That’s a good question. As I spend the night in Miramichi I’ll be looking at my map tonight …or flipping a coin tomorrow.