Day 38 – Hopewell Rocks and Moonlight

Well, I got there and they were worth every mile. The Hopewell Rocks were even better that I expected. When I was researching them I saw similar photos and was under the impression that perhaps there were only a few “flower pots”. I was pleasantly mistaken.The rock formations span a good section of the beach.

I got there at low tide and proceeded to wander. My only complaint was that even though the rain held off I didn’t get much for great light. As the sun started going down on the other side of the hill that’s when the clear skies came. Although I didn’t get the best light I still think I got some great shots. Even got a few moonlight ones as the moon is at three quarters and rose up just after the sun went down. I would have stayed even longer but the tide was coming in, I’d exhausted both my camera batteries and my flash cards were full. I made my way back to the truck, with a slight moment of being lost. There was a couple that lived close by going for their daily walk. After a pleasant chat they directed me to the gate.

The whole place is a massive tourist attraction, all of it closed for the season. They don’t make it easy to get to the beach or the rocks, making you walk through their massive parking lot and then once you’ve hiked the path down to beach they’ve raised the final steps up but I found a ladder. There are warnings about the tides and the slippery rocks, like most of my trip so far, I wandered at my own risk. I was a little nervous about the tide but was informed by another local during the day that once it starts coming back in you have hours.

After an awesome day I drove the final 35 kilometers to Moncton where I spotted a YMCA. Thanks to them I had a good hot shower and am ready for another few days in the truck, motel room free.