Day 39 – Rain, A Big Bridge and My First Mulligan

So I left Moncton this morning, it was raining. I made my way towards the Confederation Bridge, it was raining. I crossed the bridge into P.E.I, still raining. I decided to chalk it up to the fact that I’m traveling in winter, head to Charlottetown and see if I can get some editing done.

I found a Starbucks here in Charlottetown where yes its still raining. I excitedly open up my shots of the Hopewell Rocks yesterday to see what I got and am somewhat disappointed. The gray cloudy weather just didn’t work with me and when the skies did clear it was simply too late. The sun set on the other side of the rise, my rocks left in the shade. I did get a few dusk/moonlight shots that turned out okay but I’d like to call a Mulligan and go back on my way home next year and perhaps get lucky with a clear day and some decent light. The colors of the rocks need some light, gray skies just don’t bring out the reds of the earth and the greens of the algae stains.

Oh well. I was definitely due for a trying day in regards to weather as I’ve been blessed with pretty good days so far on this trip. Just bad timing, perhaps next time. I’ll see what I can salvage from the day’s shots later when I’m in the mood and have more time. For now, I’ve posted a few of the night ones that I’m happy with.

P.E.I so far has been nice despite the rain. I saw a few things today and took a few shots, we’ll see how they turn out perhaps tomorrow.

I noticed another Walmart nightlight here in Charlottetown so I know where I’ll end up later.