Day 44 – Chasing the Moon into Nova Scotia

After I posted from Summerside yesterday I was sitting watching a movie and noticed I could see the stars. I looked up and the moon was overhead, almost full and shining. I decided to see if I could find something to shoot in the moonlight. I wandered on the back roads South of Summerside and slowly slinking towards the Confederation Bridge. I found one abandoned house but wasn’t that enthusiastic about it, it simply wasn’t a great shot. Found a couple other houses, one had a barking dog for a neighbor, (the last thing I need at 2am) and the other had a big sodium vapor street lamp in front of it so it was out.

I found myself at the base of the bridge and made the executive decision to cross back to the mainland. I wandered slowly on the other side until at about 4am I was tired, pulling into a turn-out in Port Elgin New Brunswick for the night.

Upon waking I kept wandering, looking for a few more daylight shots before hitting Springhill, Nova Scotia where my sister lives. It was slim pickins so far in Nova Scotia. I arrived in Springhill at around noon and here I will be for awhile during the holidays.

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