Day 77 – A Warm Room & A Headache

In desperate need of a shower and knowing I have to spend up to 7 hours on a ferry tomorrow with the general public I figured a room and a hot shower was in order. (oh was it ever good). After a little bit of driving and no shots, a chat with a gent down by the water as I watched today’s ferry leave for Newfoundland I then looked for a room. I managed a cheap but quaint little room at the Highland Motel close to North Sydney where the ferries leave from.

As I got settled in I checked my email and found that a few of my web clients have been having troubles with their sites. Seems that the code has been altered against my knowledge and my wishes, hacked I guess but not the server, strictly the code has been altered to add Malware. So instead on working on a couple other things I’m trying to finish and perhaps editing a few of the last few days shots I’m troubleshooting these messed up websites thanks to some loser asshole with too much time on his hands.

Anyway, I think I may have it taken care of the problem now that it’s almost 10pm and my brain is fried. I guess the universe needed to, as they say in poker, “keep me honest” by throwing me a bit of a curve ball. Well, I may have only hit an infield grounder but come tomorrow, I’m off and running,…again!