Day 8 – What Am I Thinking?

So I left North Battleford Saskatchewan and figured I can’t call it a cross CANADA road trip with out seeing some North. I started out heading North and getting some more good light for a few photo ops. The good weather followed me for awhile and then it got cloudy again.

I pulled off into an area called Sandy Beach and had a very strange thing happen. I was getting out of the truck and in the cold weather I may leave it running or sometimes leave the keys in the ignition allowing me to keep power to my inverter that charges my camera batteries etc. Anyway, I usually keep my second key in my camera bag but lately I’m hopping in and out and sometimes both sets of keys are in the truck. This time I thought “I should really put the extra key in my pocket” and I put it in my jacket chest pocket. I got out, took my shot, got back and drove down the road and around the corner. Not even half a mile. I got out to take another shot of a cabin I’d seen when I drove into the beach. I took my shot, turned around to open the door of the running truck and BAM, I was locked out, except for the fact that I had just decided to start carrying my extra key on me. Call it being in tune with the universe or sheer shit-house luck, whichever you choose I was damn happy that I paid attention to the old gray matter in my skull when it told me to be more careful.

As it appears the gray matter took a vacation soon after that because for some reason I figured it was a good idea to make my way to Flin Flon Manitoba. Yes, you read right, Flin Flon. I drove through the night because there was a few moments where the moon was peaking through and had I known where there was some good moonlight subject matter I could have got some good shots. As it appears, the only thing up here are lakes and trees, (Candle Lake looks like it could be really nice in the summer). When the wind is blowing and the sky cloudy and gray the photo ops were few and far between. I got tired and pulled over about 20 mins outside of the “Flin” and went to sleep. I woke up to another gloomy day, some light snow and slippery sections on the roads. I decided then that I’d head back down South.