Day 80 – Wind, Snow and a Whole Lot of School Buses

Apparently in Newfoundland when a school bus is retired it just becomes a useful storage tool. Or a house, or a Fishing shack or perhaps just a lawn ornament but today I saw more “re-purposed” yellow buses than I’d ever imagined possible in the reasonably short distance I’ve traveled. I’ve also noticed a bit of a love for old train boxcars as well.

Anyway, a few of them made for some good shots, even found one on the cliff of the ocean at “Jerry’s Nose”.

I pretty much started my shots at Jerry’s Nose this morning and kept heading out to Cape St George and around. I was a little disappointed in an area called Three Rock Cove as they seem to have a garbage problem. I came across a road called “Beach Road” so of course I went down it. Any chance to get close to the waves makes me happy. What I found was a beach alright, but covered not only in discarded fishing supplies and items but also a whole lot of household items and trash. You’d think with a potentially nice area like that that someone might have some pride in it. So far, the low point of my Newfoundland experience.

I continued on to a ridge of land that extends for miles way out into the gulf. Ocean on each side for miles. It would be cool to see it from a plane for sure. At almost the end was a little fishing post and port called Blue Beach. Closed up and quiet this time of year but neat to see none the less. I took a few shots in the snow and wind and made my way back. Retracing some of the road I took to get to Cape St. George I stopped at Wayne’s Convenience Store. Met and chatted with another Wayne and his family for a bit.

I thought of staying in Stephenville again but as it was still semi light out I continued through the snow to Corner Brook where I am for the night. I’m hoping to stay awake for the Canucks game which I can listen to via the streaming radio station on the internet. Perhaps, as a friend said, Burrows can have a hat trick of hat tricks!

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