Day 86 – Back on the Mainland

After an interesting ferry ride on which I came to the conclusion that a sailor I will not make. It appears my sea stomach is a little on the weak side. I didn’t “hurl” but there was a couple points on the choppy waves that I was wondering if I might. Staring at a laptop screen probably wasn’t helping either as I tried to get some work and editing done. The internet on the ship was not working, apparently hasn’t been for awhile. Seems like the ferries in Newfoundland are fixed on an “as extremely needed” basis. The ATM was down, The internet was down, some of the seats in the lounge area looked like some cats got to them and shredded them. Makes you wonder what else is in need of repair down below. Well done Marine Atlantic.

Regardless, I got back to the mainland and made my way to Port Hawkesbury where I’ve gassed up (again) and am ready for tomorrows start to my journey home. Part of me feels like simply deadheading it and getting home in 3 days. I need to mellow out again I’m afraid.

Anyway, not much more to report. I’m sure the rest of my trip will prove to be interesting and fruitful as well. I just have to let it “be”. I was looking at shots of the first half and it’s odd how many I don’t even remember taking, just going, like a machine. Will make for some fun editing later on I’m sure.