Days 49, 50, 51 and 52. Editing & Family Time

I’ve been hanging with Sunni and the kids here in Springhill and generally recharging for what I believe will be a “colder” return trip. I was really blessed with good weather on my way out but lets face the facts, it’s winter in Canada and January – February are gonna get interesting. I almost can’t wait.

Not much to report in the way of travel. I’m going to try and get a few days away next week and get to some Atlantic shoreline. Wednesday and Thursday are supposed to be sunny but chilly.

Aside from being semi lazy here I’m doing some editing and working on a new website for my friend Heidi’s music which should be live before I leave here. The Christmas decorations are going up and it’s nice to be around family. Even though money is tight for everyone here it simply doesn’t matter, it’s the people that count.

I do miss my friends back home but they’re my friends and will all be there when I get back. We’ll all catch up when I get back if not keeping touch by Facebook etc.

Until next time,

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