Happy New Year! Sorry, but my 2016 was pretty damn sweet.

2016 is a few short hours from coming to a close here in the California/Arizona desert (pretty much camped on the state line). For me however, it’s been a good year. One that outshines most of the previous 47. It hasn’t been perfect, I didn’t win the lottery, I’m not independently wealthy yet, etc etc. However, lots of good things have happened this year.
After 5 years planning and saving and preparing I was able to finally launch on the 3rd attempt of my road trip adventures this April. Before that I was able to claim myself as debt free. Since April I have been blessed in that I’ve been spending my days doing what I love. Chasing the light, capturing time in photos almost daily. Seeing new things, meeting new people and experiencing new places as I go. It’s what I’ve been dreaming of since returning from the 4 month road trip back in the beginning of 2011.
I’ve had some small set backs, some challenges some days where I questioned myself, but all in all it’s been an amazing adventure so far. I’ve even somehow managed to attract the attention of a beautiful woman with a beautiful soul. One that wants to come and live this lifestyle with me next year when her obligations free her up. Until then we’ve been working through the uncertainties and distance pains that comes with a relationship separated by hundreds of miles as I work this dream and the goals that come with it. She understands me and my goals and deserves the “most patient woman on the planet” award.
On a broader scale I guess this has been a rough year for some. We’ve lost a lot of celebrities and influential people this year. As always, time claims it’s share.
Perhaps, just maybe it will remind us all that no matter who we are, where we live, what the colour of our skin is, how much we make a year or what our beliefs are rooted in death will come for us all. If the spotlight losses of 2016 have shown us anything it is that we don’t know when that time may come no matter what our age may be.
So with that in mind I will sign off with the best of wishes to all my friends, my family and all those who spend their precious time reading my words a very incredible new year. Keep in mind our time is short and we all need to make the best of it. May 2017 be the year you make the changes to your lives that keep you smiling day to day. If I can do it, anyone can.
Happy New Year everyone!
Much Love,

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