Here Comes The Sun!

Sun at last! My clothes and boots are finally starting to dry out. I’ve realized that despite the weird mood altering neurosis I seem to have developed around too much rain it also serves up a catch 22 out here on the road. Firstly, as we all know, it’s wet. My jackets get wet, my boots and then my shoes get wet and inside the trailer everything starts to feel damp. If I try to heat things up too much with the heater the condensation forms inside making my windows wet and steamy and I literally have water drops on the inside threatening to make things wet all over again. I’m sure it comes with the oldness of this trailer.

With rain come the clouds, with clouds there are darker skies. Less sun equals less solar input therefore my batteries sometimes do not get fully charged making working off the grid come nightfall that much more limited. It’s taken me two nights just to get all the photos and video imported onto the hard drives. Granted, there is A LOT of files, thus putting me that much more behind in my editing. My goal this next few days to a week is to find somewhere to stop and work and edit. I’ve been driving to get a little south and out of the rain. Knowing that that is no guarantee it still makes it a little more possible that I can get some work done considering what the forecast was further north.

So where am I tonight? In A Walmart parking lot in Roseburg Oregon. It was a sunny, balmy and slightly humid 21 degrees (Celsius) when I got here about 5pm. If I can swing it I may stay here and work through the day tomorrow, providing I’m cranking in the solar because I’m close to depleted again tonight.

The last few days of driving were also somewhat frustrating. Towing the trailer makes sudden stops, quick turn arounds and side road adventures difficult and so many times I’ve seen something I wanted to shoot and simply wasn’t able to stop. Obviously it has it’s benefits but a lot of times it can hinder things. I’ve been looking for free or at least cheap camping so that I can unhitched and explore but not having much luck in Oregon. Even a few of the BLM sites I found via the interweb have all had fees attached. I’m trying not to think of all the things I’m missing because I can’t stop and explore. Instead, I’m trying to train my brain into believing that this is all happening as it’s supposed to and that I will be able to revisit these places later because things are going to happen and my budget will improve for such expenses such as some campsite fees.

So that’s about it for tonight. Watch for a new video soon and with any luck a few to follow in short time after that.
I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me, but it’s good fun work, just got to have the space and solar to get it done. 🙂

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