Inward reflecting and the traits of a Gemini

It’s been a quiet few days of trying to keep my own head in check as I fight the minor inner conflicts regarding this trips trailer/budget limitations vs the “old way” that I’ve road tripped. After Modesto I started making my way down towards Bakersfield. Stopped at a BLM recreation zone called Tumey Hills which allows free dry camping but when I got there the whole area was riddled with spent shell casings. Apparently people go there for “target” shooting. The last thing I want is to unhitch, go out exploring for the day only to come back and find that someone has used my trailer as a target. My logical head would hope that wouldn’t happen but my gut was telling me to just move on. The even weirder part is that I didn’t even stick around long enough to video it.

So I ended up arriving in Bakersfield a day early. Found a Walmart yesterday and did some work and emailing. Part of which was contacting my new hosts through Boondockers Welcome to let them know I was still set to arrive today. Dennis thought yesterday was today and was expecting me. So I made my way here and got settled in their driveway earlier than expected. Dennis and Mary K. are incredibly gracious and friendly people. They made me feel welcome and at home and it’s just what I needed. Dennis told me about a town I might be interested in so after finding the large fibreglass Native American Indian (based on the old muffler men) outside a tavern I ventured up to Havalah, the drive taking me through the Kern River Canyon and another small town named Bodfish. Well Havalah had a few things to shoot and some interesting history I cm across what I thought would be a cheesy tourist trap type place but it looked kind of interesting. So I paid the $5.50 to wander the little “ghost town” of Silver City which actually consists of authentic old buildings rescued and relocated from various towns in the area. From a photography standpoint it was a fun place to shoot. Watch for a video about it coming soon. After that, the forecasted rain clouds where moving in so made my way back to Bakersfield along the canyon with a stop to take some photos along the river. Just got back and decided to write this out before making some dinner.

So for now I’ll gratefully relax for a bit in my little traveling home, from which I can go out exploring with my camera again tomorrow. Then in a few days when it’s sucking fuel back like an out of control drunkard again I’ll return to loathing it.

Goodnight from Bakersfield friends.

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