Laptop Blues

It seems I overlooked a certain aspect of doing a road trip that one is trying to promote while doing it. The attempt at less time on a computer has fallen by the wayside due to the fact that I want to share my photo work, daily thoughts and video with the world. These avenues of communication, albeit kind of fun do take up a fair chunk of time. I sat in Starbucks today from noon-ish until they closed at 9pm editing, rendering and uploading the second video installment. I’m not complaining as I don’t spend much money on days like these. No gas, no cold drinks, minimal food. Three dollars on my Starbucks card gets me a coffee and a refill and a place to work all day.

I got a late start today though as I had to get another tired fixed. Seems I picked up a small nail sometime over the last few days and had another slow leak. Walmart in Phoenix took their time getting the repair done but the fellow was being thorough so I can’t fault him. Plus I think they were a little understaffed today.

I got a lot done and am ready to leave here tomorrow and see some more open road. I’m anxious to feel my camera in my hands again and it’s only been a few days.

My truck payment and insurance have left my bank account leaving my budget looking kind of scary. I’m down to the nitty gritty now and am actively looking for and bidding on website work. This is also proving to be harder that I thought as just like when I was home in Vancouver, I’m getting no responses. A couple more weeks and it might be tough decision time. I’m holding out that things will turn around and I’ll be able to keep going. Like I said before failure isn’t an option.

So keeping with my optimism I’m going to take a little stroll into Walmart and treat myself to a small container of ice cream. It’s been awhile since I had some. Funny I almost always had some in the fridge at home, now it’s been weeks since I even thought of it.

As I sit and relax, enjoying some tasty ice cream and this perfect breeze I’ll be thinking of my friends back home and my next few weeks out here. Cheers.