Middle of the Website Redesign

Hey Friends,

As I’m writing this I’m sitting at my computer in the trailer, parked along the Goat River outside of Kitchener BC, near Creston. It’s nice and warm outside and I’m starting to feel lazy. It’s Saturday today but it’s been a long week so far. I’ve been working at getting this website back online as I’ve taken it down to give it an overhaul. Hopefully the last one for a good while as it’s not a small feat considering all the content I’ve added over the years. It’s been seriously overwhelming and taken a lot of time.

At the time of writing this I’m just putting the final pages together and have all the journal entries and video posts formatted and up to date but now I’ve decided to show more of my photography here as well so that’s now introduced the galleries I’m implementing which well, here we go down that rabbit hole as I have so much photography. Not to mention titles and captions etc for them. Fun times.

Side bar: Rollins just growled and as I got up to see what he was growling at I witnessed him chasing away a medium sized female moose. Never a dull moment. lol.

Anyway, just figured I’d chime in here, a reminder to myself at a later date how much work this is.

Much love,
