Moving On From Moab

So I managed to get out of Moab, Utah today. Strangely it wasn’t totally by my choice. I was working on the video and almost done editing it together for hopefully the last time and the librarian announced that they were closing in 30 mins. HUH? I thought I had until 8pm but it’s Saturday and they close at five. I was actually relieved as the video was coming along nicely and there was still daylight when I stepped outside. I made my way out of Moab and headed South.

I didn’t get too far before I was pulled over, camera out and waiting for some clouds to part so I could catch a little light on the old building I found at the junction of 191 and 46. It was one of those older gas station type buildings with the slanted, angled windows that flair out as they meet the roof. Hard to explain but I managed to get a couple shots. Soon after that I was climbing up into Wilson’s Arch to enjoy the rest of the sunset, during some of which I caught some nice shots of the arch.

As the light was dying I turned onto a road that leads into the Canyon Rims Recreational Area. I looked at the tourist map and had to flip a coin as i was curious about the overlooks. Its about 32 miles to the overlooks and I wasn’t sure the gas money was worth it. Coin said yes so I made my way in to the the farthest overlook, the Anticline Overlook as the night grew dark. There I opened up the laptop and proceeded to finish editing the first Wayne on the Road video and rendered it. It turned out pretty good considering how discombobulated my shooting had been. Of course, being in the middle of nowhere I can’t upload it but at least it’s done.

So I sit in the parking area for the overlook, starting here tomorrow, working my way back to the 191 and South again. Hopefully it was worth it.

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