My Last Post from the Road for Awhile

I left Las Vegas on Friday and after spending some time with two very large spiders on the 164 to the Techatticup Mine in Eldorado Canyon, Nevada I ventured onward to the coast. I made it to the small town of Cambria California by about 11 pm and hunkered down in the truck and got some sleep.

Saturday along the Pacific coast was amazing despite the weekend traffic. Got soaked under the pier at William Hearst State Park while taking shots. After a change of clothes and a few more miles I was able to get some good shots of the Elephant seals along the water.

I made my way along and got a few more shots finishing off with a nice sunset where I also got soaked up to may thighs again. This time I had my runners on. Oh well, it was worth it.

Sunday wasn’t as much fun or inspiring. Things just weren’t working in my favor. The traffic was ridiculous and despite my endless attempts at not caring about the extremely stupid driving of so many Californians it was hard to remain focused and inspired. As I drove and drove I literally went straight through San Francisco and northward. I did stop a few times but the more time I spent amongst the “tourists in their own state” the more I wanted out. I came upon the turnoff to Point Reyes and wanted to catch the sunset there. Well after being stuck behind two California drivers who apparently have no clue how to navigate a turn in the road at more than 10 miles an hour I arrived just in time to see the sun go down from the parking lot. Not that it matters, the powers that be here in California had the gate to the steps locked 30 mins before I got there. You can’t even get to the lighthouse after 4:30 and can barely see the thing from the “view point”. A waste of gas, time, effort and frustration, all for nothing. The fitting ending to a stressful day. In light of that I drove North some more. After stopping to enjoy some quiet time, at a vista view overlooking the ocean and the moon. My heart wanted to stay along the coast but my fried mind thought it best to get to the interstate and get home as gas money was going fast while along the switchbacks and traffic of the coast. As I stood in the darkness I flipped the coin to see which way I should head as I couldn’t decide. It told me to head home.

So just South of Fort Bragg I took a road that the map showed as one that will meet up with the 101 taking me to Cloverdale where I could catch another Easterly secondary road to the I-5. Well this first road through the woods was classified as an emergency evacuation route. Seventy percent of it was one lane, no lines, barely any shoulder trees, cliffs and ditches along the sides. Corners and switchbacks that had to be navigated at 20-15 MPH. After the driving I witnessed over the past two days this made me laugh.

So after a lot of curves, switchbacks and corners I finally arrived on the I-5. It’s Monday afternoon and I’m taking a break in a Starbucks in Ashland Oregon. With the VERY recent “loan” from a friend via Paypal I’m thinking that I’ll be back in Chilliwack by this time tomorrow.

I’m still going to edit and compile one if not two more video episodes for this trip. Future postings will happen as I figure out what’s next in my own future. I have learned a many things this time out. One, I got this far with all the help from my friends. Two, I won’t be attempting this again until I have a fully funded self sufficient budget but it’s definitely not out of the question. How ever my future travels should evolve, I’ll be writing about them here.

Until next time, thanks to all who have followed me as I attempted this.