Onward to Las Vegas

I woke up fairly early this morning and got on my way. I had no doubt in my mind that I should make my way to Las Vegas today so that’s what I did. I also made a point of taking my time getting here. Despite my concerns about gas consumption I made a point to take Route 66 through Seligman Arizona to Kingman. Seligman had some fun touristy shots The first part of the day was blustery along the open Arizona desert I was having fun watching in counting tumbleweeds. I counted 44 tumbleweeds crossing the highway. I guess that’s one for every day I’ve been out so far.

As I ventured along Route 66 I came into a place called Hackberry. There is not much in Hackberry but a General Store. The coolest General Store on Route 66 I might add. The current owners John and Kerry and manager, their son Thurston have run it for the past 12 years. Moving their collection of gas station goodies and Route 66 memorabilia down from Tacoma Washington. They took over what was pretty much an abandoned shop filled with rattlesnakes. The store and outbuildings are adorned with automobilia and rural desert artifacts. There’s numerous old cars in various states of retirement all around, amongst the rapidly bleaching cattle skulls, the rusty old signs and rustic outbuildings. For a guy like me it was a photographic version of Val Halla. I spent two and half hours there and could have doubled that. As I left there the sun soon started to set behind the hills West of the highway. I made my way into Las Vegas and am in a familiar Starbucks close to where I used to do some contract web work. I’ve assessed where the nearest Walmart is and coinciding library for the next few days as I’m here indefinitely until the budget is replenished or I go bust. I figure I’ll continue my work search/holding pattern and try to hook up with some friends here in the meantime.

After today I also have a lot of new shots to work on and I’m feeling insanely optimistic.

I’m going to try and find free parking somewhere close to the craziness on the strip and see if I can’t get some shots of some costumed partiers tonight just for fun. Then I’ll start back in the library tomorrow and see what the future holds.

Life is good.