Side project video is live, and more rain.

Well, the side project video that I was working on is now live so I can talk about it and share it with everyone.

While I was on Salt Spring Island I was parked where my friend Dave lives. We went to high school together in Chilliwack and played music in around the same scene for quite awhile. Dave has been working on his own original music and paying for recording time when he has the extra money. We decided to make a video for his first song out of the gate. Our schedules were both pretty tight but we found some time during one of Dave’s lunch hours from his day job and a scraped together a little time one evening to shoot some extra footage.

Armed with his iPhone as playback and my DSLR, GoPro and iPhone for the video we recorded different angles of about 3 takes, then like I said, found some time to do some “B roll” footage later.

I’ve always wanted to direct a music video. Of course I always dreamed there would be “a big budget”, and good gear like stabilization gimbals and cranes and all the fun movie making stuff that the pros use. But we have to start somewhere right? So working with what we had, where we were and doing what we could we managed to create a little something to go along with his song. Editing it was a cram session via youtube tutorials learning how to pull off what I saw in my mind and 3 long days getting even more familiar with Premiere Pro CC.

Perhaps in a convenient way the rain that has been hammering down this part of the country and up into my hometown made it easier to stay inside, glued to the imac with less things to distract me. I didn’t want to be out there so inspiration to get the video done came easy. Plus I’d been procrastination on it too much already.

But now, I’m done and on the move again and the rain can let up anytime. I’m writing from Yreka California where yes, it’s raining here too. So tomorrow I head south some more. I swear the sun is out there somewhere.

So all the rambling aside, here is the video we made for Dave’s song, Life Disconnected. Please give it a share and a like and tell you friends to check it out.

Much love, W.

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