The Black Ball Ferry and a New Chapter Starts

Today was the beginning of a new chapter of this trip. I started the morning off in line for the Blackball Ferry to Port Angeles, Washington and successfully cleared the border. I hung a right and started making my way along the windy highway 112. With a few stops in the small Oceanside towns along the way I eventually ended up in Neah Bay, part of the Makah Indian Reservation. I got my recreation pass and headed up to the trailhead to the Cape Flattery Trail, which will lead me to the “Hole in the Wall” which is an natural arch down on the ocean. Rain or shine I’m hiking down there at sunrise.

Despite the on and off rain today it was overall an amazing day. Not to mention my small dumbass move where I accidentally jack-knifed the trailer while backing up in the mud and knicked the back-side of the Xterra. (I used to be really good at backing up band vans and gear trailers but for some reason the short wheel base of these two really throw me for a loop). Wasn’t too happy about that but live and learn. I still feel blessed to be out here giving this whole thing a shot so I’m not going to let a little mishap get me down.

Another little downer is the exchange rate, but that’s was expected. Still stung a little. That said, if you see a shot you like, now would be a good time to order the print you’ve always wanted.

So on that note, I’m going to say goodnight and get some sleep. Thanks for following along friends.