Two Weeks & Still Going

I left Ogden Utah this morning heading East on a recommendation from my friend Jamie that I check out the Shooting Star Saloon in Huntsville Utah. So I made my way in that direction, stopping to shoot a little video on the way and then arriving in Huntsville for around lunch time as it wasn’t as far as I had originally thought.

Huntsville is a sleepy little town and there wasn’t much action when I pulled it. Arriving at the Saloon I was surprised at how busy it was. I chatted with the owner John, met another photographer inside and had a burger and a beer for lunch (Thanks Jamie). Check out my feature on this funky old Saloon.

After that I meandered my way South looking for shots. I found an old Chevy truck and got a few there but overall didn’t have much luck finding any gems. Because of the way the valley is down central Utah and the fact that I missed my turn that would have taken me through the mountains I ended up on the I-15 through Salt Lake City. I now know what Jeff at the Roadhouse Java coffee shop meant when he said he moved away because of traffic. 3 hours I spent in slow moving parking lot because of construction and then a following accident. Even the side roads through suburban towns were clogged messes.

I finally broke free and zig-zagged my way South East, heading towards Monument Valley and all the arches etc I want to shoot.

I’m in Ephraim for the night and am happy to have come across a Walmart Supercenter to park in tonight. As I was rolling in it was getting dark and I consulted my old GPS map and it said there wasn’t one for miles. A happy surprise.

Anyway, more from the road coming soon,