Vegas Holding Pattern with Friends

My choice to come to Vegas while I look for some freelance web work and figure out my next step has been a good decision. I’ve been blessed with a couch to sleep on at my friend Pete’s house and a space to work on my photos while he’s at work. His clever dog Shorty is cool company during the day as well.

I’ve been sending out more and more bids and resumes for the web work but nothing has come back. If this doesn’t change by the weekend decisions will need to be made. I’m making a phone-call tomorrow regarding the work in the Alberta oil sands. I’m also getting close to having my bid on the government contract ready to send in. It’s my first time ever doing something like this so I’m taking some time trying to do the best I can on it.

My friend Nancy is coming down to Vegas to hang out for a couple of days. I’m thinking there will be some no budget photo excursions in our future as Nancy is always up for shooting new photos.

Other than that I’m just going through the shots I’ve taken with plans to get some more online tomorrow. Not much new to report yet but things could be changing soon.

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